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Instructional Design - Day 2

Moving on........... Let's start with the ISD(Instructional System Design) models

1. ADDIE model: It is one of the ISD models and is the base model for other instructional design models. One of the positivity of the ADDIE model is its 'flexibility', i.e. it can be used in combination with other models, its phases can be modified.

The various phases of ADDIE are as below:

A- Analysis
D- Design
D- Development
I- Implementation
E- Evaluation

Analysis: This step includes

- Learner's analysis: What they know, their skill level
- Objective: Identifying the goals and objective of the project
- Delivery option
- Timeline of the project
- Constraint analysis


- Storyboard and prototypes are made
- Graphic design, user-interface and content is assessed and blueprint is made
- Specify learning objective


- Content is assembled that was blue printed in design phase
- Storyboard is created by designers
- Project reviewed and revised according to the feedback


- Develop various procedures for training facilitators and learners
- Training facilitators: Setting course curriculum, learning outcome, method of delivery, and testing procedures
- Learners preparation: Training them on new tools (Software or hardware), student registration
- Overall implementation is evaluating the design of the project


- Two aspects: Formative and summative
- Formative evaluation: Evaluation done at each step of ADDIE model
- Summative evaluation: Conducted on finished instruction programs or products
- Evaluation is seeing that the achieved goals meet the specified needs
- To analyze that the business needs are met

Drawbacks of ADDIE model

It is bit time-consuming and costly, and it is analyzed that Rapid Prototyping model can be seen as an alternative to generic ADDIE model


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