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Instructional Design - Day 4

3. Dick and Carey ISD model: This ISD model, also known as System approach model basically focus on how to make the lesson plans.

It has following nine phases:

1. Instructional goals and objective:

- Clarifying your goals and objective : Clear view of result of the course, including the skills developed and knowledge the readers will acquire.

2. Instructional analysis:

- Learner's analysis: What the learners' already know, so that we can figure out how to fill the learning gap. Done through e-learning assessment, surveys, and interviews.

3. Determine entry behaviors and learners characteristics:

- Conduct research to determine learner's behavior, traits, personal preference, and motivation factors.
- Identify all the ideas and concepts that should be included to provide a comprehensive and personalized e-learning experience.

4. Develop criterion-referenced e-learning assessment: 

- Develop online assessment plan, such as multiple choice questions or interactive scenario.

5. Develop the instructional e-learning strategy:

- Create a sound instructional e-learning strategy.
- Need to consider the learning theories that are best suited for your subject matter and learner's need, based on which e-learning activities are developed that convey the desired information to the learners.

6. Choose learning material and online activities:

- Selecting each learning materials, tools, and online exercises that serve the learning goals and objective.
- Involves eLearning content creation, example online tutorial, text and multimedia based instructional aids.
- Include wide range of eLearning activities to appeal to a wider audience.

7. Formative evaluation:

- It is done before unveiling the eLearning course to the public. Involves the release of beta version, that help in phasing out any issue prior to course deployement.
- It may require a major rewrite of the developed eLearning content or even revamping the entire course material, as it is better to remedy the problem now, rather than risking the brand image.

8. Summative evaluation:

- Involve assessing the acquired eLearning course to see whether it has achieved the desired outcome or not.
- Can be determined by learner's post assessment, such as test at the end of the lesson, performance based online exams, example, to check customer satisfaction score to discover if the customer service eLearning course had the desired effect.


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